11.12.2021 • 

PLEASE HELP ME! 1. Where does the writer stray from the topic? What could be done to fix this problem? Explain what you would cut and cross it out in the text of the essay .

2. What misunderstandings or inaccuracies involving Gothic literature or Poe's use of
suspense do you see? How would you suggest eliminating this problem? If
necessary, cross out some words within the text of the essay.

3. Where does the writer fail to support her points with evidence? What evidence
from the story would you suggest adding to support these points?

4. Read the essay again and edit it for errors. Find and fix as many spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation errors as you can. Pay special attention to the errors
you learned about in the lesson, but look for other types of errors as well. You may
write your edits directly into the essay.


1. Where does the writer stray from the topic? What could be done to fix this pro

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