12.10.2020 • 

PLEASE HELP ME!! In today’s world, a tremendous amount of trouble is caused by Internet sites that promote some kind of hostile ideology. Security-minded individuals promote a system in which the Internet is tightly controlled. This kind of a system functions efficiently in non-open countries like China. In China, dangerous Internet sites are shut down almost immediately, which is a good thing. However, the price that the Chinese pay for this security is enormous. In addition to truly dangerous sites, thousands of legitimate sites get shut down every week because of some imagined “threat.” If a system like that were installed in the U.S., studies show that it would not only make our nation more autocratic, it would also stifle innovation and commerce. Safety can be dangerous. How can we even consider trading our freedom for a little security? I’m against Internet censoring.

1. What concession does the author of this passage make?

2. How would you describe the tone of the passage?

3. Which rhetorical device is being used in this sentence: How can we even consider trading our freedom for a little security? Explain.

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