16.01.2021 • 

Please help me with this. The year is 1980. You are an FBI agent still trying to unravel the 1971 mystery of D.B. Cooper. Who

is/was he? Where has he gone, or did he not survive his jump out of the plane?

In order to help solve this mystery, you are going to create an FBI case report, detailing your search.

Feel free to be creative (you can create some details that were not part of your nonfiction article),

but use the article to pull out details and evidence that may have been important to the case.

Perhaps you feel that one of the suspects in the article was D.B. Cooper, or maybe it was someone

else. You may think he did not survive. Whatever direction you choose to go in, maintain that focus

throughout your report.

In your report, you will fill out the following sections:

q Background: Summarize the details of the nonfiction article that are important to your

report. Explain what happened the night D.B. Cooper hijacked the plane.

q Evidence and Examination: Choose some important pieces of evidence from the

article and explain what you learned from them. Talk about your investigation –

where did you go and what did you look for? Remember you can create some of

your own details, but don’t change any events from the article.

q Photographic Evidence: Use your drawing skills to create two photos that show

evidence you considered in your investigation. Label each photo with a caption.

q Conclusions and Discussion: Wrap up your report by explaining what you have

learned after analyzing the details of your search. What happened to D.B. Cooper?

What remains unknown?

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