16.12.2020 • 

PLEASE HELP Read the excerpt from Salims essay, Qualities of Healthy Relationships, which he wrote for a school assignment.

(23) My parents are a great example of a healthy relationship. (24) Both of them are unselfish. (25) They go out to the movies together each week. (26) They alternate between seeing goofy comedies and action films.

Which is the best way to revise these sentences?

My parents are a great example of a healthy relationship, because both of them are unselfish when they go out to the movies together each week and alternate between seeing goofy comedies and action films.

My parents are a great example of a healthy relationship, although both of them are unselfish. They go out to the movies together each week. My parents alternate between seeing goofy comedies and action films.

My parents are a great example of a healthy relationship. Mom and Dad are unselfish. They go out to the movies together each week. My mother and father alternate between seeing goofy comedies and action films.

My parents are a great example of a healthy relationship in which both people are unselfish. When they go out to the movies together each week, they alternate between seeing goofy comedies and action films.

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