04.10.2021 • 

please help Write an essay that summarizes Mike Rose’s "Blue Collar Brilliance" and then offers your own response. Make sure you accomplish both steps of this two-step process: first give an overview of what Rose writes in his essay, then point to at least one particular claim and engage with it in more detail. As you engage with Rose’s essay, you will have to choose your approach. You can agree with Rose by offering more examples that prove his point. You can disagree by offering counter examples or reasons that oppose his claims. You may simply ask questions or argue that the topic is more complex. There are other options, as well as any number of combinations. The response part of the essay is up to you, but it should take the argument by Rose and extend it in some way. AUDIENCE AND PURPOSE: Write to the same audience to which Rose writes. His essay first appeared in a newsletter for a college honor society, so he is talking to college students. But it has been several years since his essay was first published. Do the same jobs exist with the same required intelligence? Has anything changed? Do you think today’s college students would react differently than the original audience? Imagine that group of young adults as your readers (maybe their parents too). You should also envision your reader as having read Rose’s original essay. So, you don’t have to summarize every single detail as you lay it out. Give enough to remind your readers of the key points and go into detail about the points to which your response will be directed. FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS: As we work through this unit, we’ll spend a lot of time looking at Rose’s essay, and we’ll use it to practice and apply several important concepts such as rhetorical analysis and active reading. It’s important that you see these steps as part of your brainstorming and drafting process. It’s almost like we’ll be deconstructing "Blue Collar Brilliance" into a pile of bricks, which you then get to put back together into your own essay. The better you take it apart, the better you understand it, the more bricks you’ll have to construct your own essay. Students who don’t fully understand their source tend to lamely copy what it says without adding anything. REQUIREMENTS: Your essay must introduce and summarize "Blue Collar Brilliance" and it must offer your own interpretation, reaction, or response to that essay. You do not need to bring in any other outside research. You should include a works cited page that lists Rose’s essay. The final draft must be at least four (4) full pages in MLA format, not counting the works cited page. t.

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