12.03.2020 • 

The poems listed below are the ones we have studied in this unit. Choose one of these poems and discuss the following concepts:

Is the tone of the poem more realistic, or uplifting? Or, does the poem accomplish both?
What lines in the poem suggest a realistic and/or uplifting tone? Interpret these lines and how they are used to establish the tone(s).
Do you think the author's choice of point of view, tone and theme establish a strong connection to the poem and the speaker? Why or why not?
How would you make different choices with these elements to create a more meaningful experience for readers?
These poems are located in your Journey's text:

"They Wear the Mask"


"I, Too"

"Dream Variations"

" Black Man talks of Reaping"

"Any Human to Another"

"The Tropics of New York"

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