19.10.2021 • 

Please I really need this, I’ll give the brainliest :p Identify a major theme of The First Chase. Use specific details from the dramatic scene to support your answer.

[I can’t put the entire text (this is the first part o f the text called “The first chase”)]

(Common sailor’s area on the deck of a 19th-century whaler. A few comforts; a bowl of apples on the table, places to sit. ELIAS has one heavily bandaged foot up on a crate; he reads a book by the light of a hanging lamp.)


ZACHARY: Elias! We took the whale! She was a beauty—I never seen anything like her! She come right up close to the side of the boat, ‘Lias; there wasn’t any time even to think. I never saw anything like the way she came right up out of the water and dived again. I thought sure she was going to smash the boat in half, the way she was a-thrashin’ her tail and stirring up the water. (Looks admiringly at Manuel, who is slicing a couple of apples) Manuel here was the big hero. He keeps his head, Manuel does. He was on his feet, balancing on the gunwale, never mind the boat pitching and tossing. The harpoon was poised to strike and he knew just the right moment!

ELIAS: (closes his book) I’ll be glad when this ankle gets healed up and then I can do my share again! It frets me not going out in the boat with the crew. So you’ve taken your first whale, Zach!

MANUEL: (guffaws) All by himself! Of course! (pelts Zachary with the apple cores) You were only in the boat because of your strong back, kid! But I confess you rowed well.

ELIAS: You’re awful quiet, Pete. Didn’t get enough excitement with your first chase?

PETE: (slowly) It was real exciting when I first heard Billy yell “There she blows!” and we lowered away. I saw the whale’s spout way off in the distance. I knew it would take a good piece of rowing to get the boat near enough. Zach and Ashok and Caleb and me was rowing till I thought my back would break. Manuel had the harpoon like Zach said. (He pauses) The whale swam right at us; almost stove the boat in. Then Manuel harpooned him.

Please I really need this, I’ll give the brainliest :p

Identify a major theme of The First Chase.

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