15.07.2020 • 

Please paraphrase this while staying very close to the meaning, keeping a similar length, and not taking out or changing the quotes. One similarity between the excerpts is that they both believe moving certain government activities to the private sector would greater serve the needs of citizens. Wilson brings this up when he says that non privatized government agencies “must serve goals not of the organization's own choosing”. This means that rather than catering to citizens, these organizations must cater to external entities such as politicians instead. Edwards says something similar when he says that the government should “move activities to the private sector, where they can… be an organic part of society connected to the actual needs of citizens”. By saying this he is implying that non-privatized government activities are not organic and do not fully cater to citizens' actual needs.
One difference between these excerpts is that Wilson’s only focuses on the ideas of government agencies and privatization in general, while Edwards specifically talks about them in terms of the U.S. as well as brings up foreign countries that have successfully privatized to support his argument.

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