10.12.2020 • 

PLS HELP I WILL GIVE BRAINLEST AND 5 STARS Extended Response Directions: Make sure that you have gone back and skimmed the following texts in order to answer the extended writing prompt:

Infographic 1: Hunger and Children in America

Hunger Problems In US Could be Fixed by Replacing Meats With Plants, Study Says

US Throws Away Half of All Food Produce

Infographic 2: Tackling Hunger

As you have read, hunger is a significant problem in the 21st century, and solutions to this problem are not easily found. In the form of an informational essay, explain the current problem of hunger in America and provide at least one possible solution to this problem. Your solutions should come from the articles or infographics. You may also include solutions from personal experiences. Be sure to use textual evidence to support your solutions. Your response should be in the format of three or four well-constructed paragraphs and should contain textual evidence from at least two of the resources above.
Consider the following questions as you plan your essay: Why does hunger exist in America? How widespread is the problem? What could you do to help relieve the hunger problem? Would your solution work at the local, state, national, or global level?

Also remember, a good informative essay:

Has a clear introduction

States the topic clearly, precisely, and thoughtfully

Uses specific evidence from the text(s)/info graphics to develop the topic

Concludes effectively

Uses precise language

Pays attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling

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