12.12.2020 • 

Pls pls pls pls PLS help guys! Complete the sentence using words from the spelling list.

During the__ , the peasants tried __ to the palace and make the king__
his throne.

spelling list:
accent emphasis or stress placed on a syllable or word
advertisement a notice designed to attract public notice or patronage
aviation the operation of aircraft
biology the science of life and living organisms
bouquet a number of picked flowers tied together in a bunch
breve a curved diacritical mark used to indicate an unstressed syllable or a short vowel
ceiling the upper inside limit of a room; also the height above the ground of the lowest clouds
diacritical marking a distinction
dictionary a book of the words of a language together with their pronunciations, definitions, and etymologies
director an overseer or head of a group
envelope the pouch which encases a letter
forehead the top of the face above the eyes
forfeit to lose and thereby give up rights
handicap a physical disability
honesty truthfulness
horrid nasty or disgusting in nature
humorous comical
international beyond the boundaries of a single nation
macron the horizontal mark used to indicate a stressed syllable in a foot of verse
merciful showing mercy
personal of a particular person; private
personnel the body of persons employed by an organization
pronounce to articulate a word or sound; to state formally
pronunciation the way in which a word or sound is spoken
rebellion defiance of authority
seize to grasp suddenly and forcibly
separate to set or keep apart; divide
temperance the condition of being moderate; self-restraint
vocabulary a stock of words used and understood
zoology the biological science of animals

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