30.11.2020 • 

Preview Rubric 3.04 TGA Annex Perspectives (30 points)

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.
Exemplary (27-30 points)
6 points
Proficient (23-26 points)
5 points
Emerging (18-22 points)
4 points
Not Evident (below 18 points)
3 points
Not Attempted
0 points
Criterion Score
Characterization Analysis Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events Points Possible: 6
Offer insightful analysis and explanations of the chosen character’s traits and prior interactions and clearly explains the choices made in altering the perspective.

Offer analysis that is generally strong in explaining the chosen character’s traits and prior interactions and explains the choices made in altering the perspective.

Offer analysis that is weak or incomplete in its explanation of the chosen character’s traits and may not fully consider prior interactions. Reasoning for choices made in altering the perspective in unclear.

Student fails to offer analysis of the chosen character or offers an inaccurate depiction, showing a lack of mastery of characterization. Reasons for choices in altering are not addressed.

Student does not write a paragraph explaining characterization and connotation to justify their choices.

/ 6
Connotation Analysis Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone. Points Possible: 6
Offer insightful analysis and explanations of multiple specific words that Anne used to create tone and clearly justifies the word choices to depict tone from the new character’s perspective.

Offer analysis and explanations some specific words that Anne used to create tone and justifies the word choices to depict tone from the new character’s perspective.

Offer analysis that is weak or does not mention specific words that Anne used to create tone. Justification of new word choices depict tone are unclear or confusing.

Student fails to offer analysis of word choices Anne used that create tone or has a clear misunderstanding of tone and connotation.

Student does not write a paragraph explaining characterization and connotation to justify their choices.

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Diary Entry Application of Voice and Perspective Produce clear, coherent writing that exhibits style and voice appropriate to a task, purpose, and perspective, at an eighth-grade level. Points Possible: 6
Student smoothly and convincingly adopts the perspective of an annex resident in a way that communicates the individual’s unique viewpoint, attitude, and ideas.

Student adopts the perspective of an annex resident and writes from that perspective in a way that conveys understanding of the individual’s views. Student may not consistently maintain the perspective he or she adopts.

Student attempts to adopt the perspective of an annex resident but demonstrates significant inconsistency in maintaining this perspective. Understanding of the individual’s unique viewpoint, attitude, and ideas is underdeveloped.

Student fails to adopt the perspective of an annex resident. Or, student demonstrates little to no understanding of the unique viewpoint, attitude, or ideas of an annex resident other than Anne.

Student does not rewrite one of the two journal entry options.

/ 6
Diary Entry Development and Accuracy Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant facts, concrete details, quotations, or other information that provides an accurate depiction of the event. Points Possible: 6New Criterion
Student expertly depicts the original event, maintaining the relevant facts and details and fully developing the entry.

Student accurately depicts the original event, maintaining the relevant facts and details and developing the entry.

Student attempts to depict the original event, but some relevant details may be omitted, or unsupportable/unrelated details may be added, impacting the accuracy of the task.

Student fails to develop the event as depicted in the novel, illustrating a lack of comprehension of the text.

Student does not rewrite one of the two journal entry options.

/ 6
Annex Perspectives Mechanics/Conventions Points Possible: 6
Student follows rules of spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation; three or fewer errors are present.

Student mostly follows rules of spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation; 4-6 errors are present.

Student shows marked inconsistency in following the rules of spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation; 7-10 errors are present.

Student fails to follow rules of spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation; over 11 errors are present.

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