17.11.2020 • 

Q6.01 Fredrick Douglass' Realizations 30pts
As you read "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave" (pages 174-183), ask
yourself, What are some realizations that Fredrick Douglass has in this passage? (Think about: What
does he realize about himself, about what it means to be a slave, about what owning a slave does to
people, about what he should do and why?)
In the first column write out the realization in your own words. In the second column write a quote
from the text that demonstrates this realization. Please put quotation marks around your quotes and
include an internal citation at the end of your quote. (Internal citations = (author's last name pg#). In the
third column, write 2-3 sentences explaining the outcome of this realization.
Quote that shows this
(include the page #)
Outcomes of this realization
(How was his life or the life of
others changed because he
realized this? Or what did he
feel because of this realization?)
After Fredrick realizes how
much he enjoys goat cheese, he
Example (this one is made up!):
Grodrick Douglass realizes that
"After first trying the delicacy of
goat cheese, my mouth watered

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