09.05.2020 • 

Question 1 6 identifying the Elements of a Morality Tale "Long ago, in the very olden time, there lived a powerful king. Some of his ideas were progressive. But others caused people to
suffer. One of the king's ideas was a public arena as an agent of poetic justice. Crime was punished, or innocence was decided, by the result of chance. When a person was accused of a crime, his
future would be judged in the public arena. All the people would gather in this building. The king sat high up on his ceremonial chair. He gave a sign. A door under him opened. The accused person
stepped out into the arena. Directly opposite the king were two doors. They were side by side, exactly alike. The person on trial had to walk directly to these doors and open one of them. He could
open whichever door he pleased." - "The Lady, or the Tiger," Frank R. Stockton Which element of a morality tale is being described in this passage?

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