29.05.2021 • 

(question 1) What does the following sentence from the essay “Made in Taiwan? How a Frenchman Fooled 18th-Century London” by Benjamin Breen signify? “His life, as they say, was his art.”
A) It uses the importance of facts.
B) It asserts the claim that is to be justified in the conclusion.
C) It is a random quote.
D) It asserts to the introduction of the topic.
(question 2) Which of the following quotations from the essay “Made in Taiwan? How a Frenchman Fooled 18th-Century London” by Benjamin Breen, contradict the counter claim of the essay?
A) The man contends that he is a Formosan aristocrat.
B) He eventually fell into disgrace.
C) Psalmanazar’s authorship of himself was a masterpiece.
D) None of the choices
(Question 3) Which of the following contributes to an effective conclusion in an
argumentative essay?
A) Introduction statement
B) A comparison of the claim
C) An example
D) A thought-provoking question
(Question 4) In the essay “Made in Taiwan? How a Frenchman Fooled 18th-Century London” by Benjamin Breen, stress is made on the sarcastic comparison between Jonathan Swift and George Psalmanazar in the body of the essay. How does this build to the argument?
A) It is a factual statement.
B) The text does not feature such a statement.
C) The similarities support the counter claim.
D) The similarities or comparisons indicate the writer’s build up to the claim.
(Question 5) From the essay “Made in Taiwan? How a Frenchman Fooled 18th-Century London” by Benjamin Breen, what can be inferred in by the use of the parenthesis mentioned in the following:
“‘An Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa (1704)”
A) Denotes the year the author was born.
B) Denotes the number of pages.
C) Denotes the year of publishing.
D) None of the choices

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