15.07.2021 • 

Question 2 Howard Gardner was a psychologist best known for developing the theory of multiple intelligences. Basically, the theory states that the idea of general intelligence or overall intelligence is somewhat inaccurate. This is because people often show intelligence in different areas. He argued that there are actually different types of intelligence. One type of intelligence that Gardner identified was interpersonal intelligence. People who possess this type of intelligence relate and interact well with others. Intrapersonal intelligence, on the other hand, implies that people are in touch with their own feelings. They enjoy thinking about theories and developing their own thoughts and ideas. People who have linguistic intelligence learn best by taking notes and reading textbooks. These people usually excel in traditional academic environments, as many academic subjects stress these types of activities. The other types of intelligence are kinesthetic, musical, spatial, and logical/mathematical. We can conclude from the passage that a. most people who have a high level of intrapersonal intelligence do well in school. b. Gardner believed that linguistic intelligence was the most desirable type to have.
c. people who have mathematical intelligence would do the best on a standard IQ test.
d. people who have a high level of work well in groups. .​

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