16.02.2021 • 

Question 3 Read the question and click on a word or phrase to make a selection your response will be
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Our mission before the house sells is to get rid of as much as possible. We
can have a few yard sales make some donations to charity, and just throw out what
nobody will want There is just no way we can cart all of this junk with us to our new
place," she calmly explained.
I dropped my fork and stared at my father, open-mouthed and astonished. For
an instant I felt like I was looking into a minor guess you could say that my dad and I are
Collectors of sorts our ability to accumulate "stuff of all kinds surprises even me at times,
The last thing I wanted to do was to think about parting with any of my treasures, but
if there is one thing I know about my mom is that when she has her mind set on
something she means business,

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