23.07.2019 • 

Question 7 (essay worth 25 points) (04.01 hc) in his closing argument during the "mississippi burning" trial, united states v. price et al., prosecutor john doar said to the jury, "members of the jury, this is an important case. it is important to the government. it's important to the defendants, but most important, it's important to the state of mississippi. what i say, what the other lawyers say here today, what the court says about the law will soon be forgotten, but what you twelve people do here today will long be remembered. does not everyone see and understand that it was a matter of absolute necessity that you twelve people of mississippi be asked to sit as jurors and judge this case? these defendants will stand before you on the record in this case and they will beg of you for indulgence. in effect they will beg of you for indulgence. in effect they will say as gloucester said of old as he stood over the body of his slain king, he begged of the queen "say i slew him not."

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