07.12.2020 • 

Questions 50 pts Which statement would be MOST important to include in a summary of the article?

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1.Although Hamilton was born in the British West Indies, he eventually ended up living and dying in the state of New York.

2.Hamilton was bright enough to go to college as a teenager, but he was not very interested in what he studied at King's College.

3.George Washington was so impressed with Hamilton that he made him his assistant and adviser, and later secretary of the treasury.

4.Hamilton left his position working for George Washington to study law, and he took on a case in which he defended the Loyalists.

Which of these sentences from the article BEST supports the idea that Hamilton played an important role in American history?

Group of answer choices

1.However, with the American colonies on the brink of a revolution, Hamilton was drawn more to political involvement than he was to academics.

2.While serving as an adviser for George Washington, Hamilton had come to realize Congress' weaknesses, including the resentment brewing between states.

3.Hamilton believed in creating a strong federal government under a new Constitution, and while he didn't have a strong hand in writing the Constitution, he did heavily influence its approval.

4.When George Washington was elected president of the United States in 1789, he appointed Alexander Hamilton as the first secretary of the treasury.

Based on the article, which of the following MOST influenced Hamilton's support of the new Constitution?

Group of answer choices

1.His desire to please George Washington

2.his interest in creating a strong federal government

3.his love for the people of New York

4.his ambition to have a major role in the government

Aaron Burr would MOST likely agree with which statement?

Group of answer choices

1, Hamilton had a lot of power to influence people's thinking.

2.Hamilton would have made an excellent president.

3.Hamilton had the right to voice his opinion about Burr.

4.Hamilton should have had more of his ideas in newspapers.

What effect did Hamilton's first job have on his later years working for the government in America?

Group of answer choices

1.His first job taught him about money and trade, and later he became secretary of the treasury when George Washington was president.

2.His first job was for a man who thought he was very smart, and later that man gave him a job working for the government in America.

3.His first job was as a lawyer, and that helped him convince New Yorkers to support the new plan for America's government.

4.His first job taught him all about politics, and his boss paid for him to go to America and fight the British in the Revolutionary War.

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