14.12.2020 • 

Read the argumentative text below and answer the questions that follow. Don’t forget to go back and look at the Argumentative Texts PowerPoint from the lesson for assistance with this assignment. Binge-watching is dangerous because it can negatively affect your health. Binge-watching requires sitting for hours and hours. This behavior has been linked to serious medical issues such as heart disease, cancer and blood clots. The frequent snacking that can accompany a binge-watching session can also be linked to weight gain and damaged arteries.
One study found that binge-watching was related to poor sleep quality, fatigue and insomnia. Getting very invested in a series right before bed winds the viewer up rather than helping them calm down. Some viewers may be unable to sleep as a result. Others may choose binge-watching over sleep. One survey found that just over 45 percent of binge-watchers had stayed awake all night to binge-watch a show.
Some may argue binge-watching has positive effects on your health because it relieves stress. Though binge-watchers may experience a temporary boost in their mood, their physical health will decline in the long run.
Ultimately, binge-watching can be extremely dangerous to the viewer’s wellbeing. Binge-watchers can benefit from finding other hobbies that encourage healthy behaviors.

Answer the questions underneath the sentence stem.


1. What is the thesis statement?
The thesis statement is .

2.What evidence is used to support the thesis?
One piece of evidence used is .

3. Another piece of evidence used is .

4. What is the counterarugment?
The counterargument is .

5. What is the conclusion?
The conclusion is .

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