18.02.2021 • 

Read the beginning of Joni's story. Mr. and Mrs. Porterfield had two daughters. Their oldest daughter, Kimmy, liked to make noise. She showed an early desire to play the
drums. Ar meal times she would bang pots with wooden spoons in the kitchen until the rest of the family begged her to stop
For years, Darleen's favorite toy was a puppet that she had named Tristano. Tristano wore a purple smock covered with
pockets. Two of the pockets had zippers, and the other four pockets had buttons. Tristano's pockets were always filled with sparkling pebbles,
colorful marbles, and other secret treasures that Darleen had entrusted to her puppet pal.
Joni needs to add a sentence to introduce the character of Darleen to readers.
Which sentence would best achieve this goal?
Darleen was the Porterfields' youngest daughter, and she and Kimmy shared the same bedroom,
O 2
When she was a baby, Darleen's hair had been black, but as she got older it changed color and is now dark brown.
C) 3
Darleen, the youngest daughter, liked quiet activities and was drawn to anything she considered unique, unusual, or beautiful.
O 4.
The Porterfields decided to name their daughter Darleen because Mrs. Porterfield's great-grandmother had been named Darleen.

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