21.09.2020 • 

Read the excerpt below and respond to the prompt. The first thing to be said about St. Thomas as an anthropologist, is that he is really remarkably like the best sort of modern biological anthropologist. ... He adopts almost literally the Huxleyan definition of the Agnostic method; "To follow reason as far as it will go"; the only question is-where does it go? He lays down the almost startlingly modern or materialist statement; "Every thing that is in the intellect has been in the senses. ... The Schoolmen may have shot too far beyond our limits in pursuing the Cherubim and Seraphim. But in asking whether a man can choose or whether a man will die, they were asking ordinary questions in natural history; like whether a cat can scratch or whether a dog can smell. Nothing calling itself a complete Science of Man can shirk them. ("The Permanent Philosophy"; pp. 1-2) Explain why G. K. Chesterton claims, "St. Thomas Aquinas, perhaps more than he is anything else, is a great anthropologist." Your explanation should be at least 150 words.

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