06.07.2019 • 

Read the excerpt from part 5 of zeitoun. zeitoun thinks of the simple greatness of the canoe, of the advantages of moving quietly, of listening carefully. when he was released from prison, he and kathy looked for the canoe where he'd last seen it, at the claiborne house, but it was gone. the house had been robbed, too. everything was stolen, because the soldiers and police who arrested zeitoun had left the house unlocked and unguarded. thieves walked in unimpeded and made off with all the tenants' belongings, everything todd had gathered there in the front rooms to keep dry. all those things were replaced, but he misses the canoe. he keeps his eye out for it, hoping he'll see it at a yard sale or in someone's sideyard. he'd pay for it again. maybe he should get a new one, he thinks. maybe his girls will like it more now. maybe little ahmad, like his uncle and father and grandfather and countless zeitouns before them, will feel the lure of the sea. which statement best describes how time progresses in this excerpt? time progresses chronologically with the events occurring in the order they happened. time continually jumps around, switching between past and present. time progresses chronologically with one flashback and a return to the original time. time speeds up to show the present and slows down to show the past.

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