25.06.2019 • 

Read the excerpt from the call of the wild. he had made no noise, yet it ceased from its howling and tried to sense his presence. buck stalked into the open, half crouching, body gathered compactly together, tail straight and stiff, feet falling with unwonted care. every movement advertised commingled threatening and overture of friendliness. it was the menacing truce that marks the meeting of wild beasts that prey. but the wolf fled at sight of him. he followed, with wild leapings, in a frenzy to overtake. he ran him into a blind channel, in the bed of the creek where a timber jam barred the way. the wolf whirled about, pivoting on his hind legs after the fashion of joe and of all cornered husky dogs, snarling and bristling, clipping his teeth together in a continuous and rapid succession of snaps. this excerpt shows that buck is: 1. static because he is accustomed to life in the wild. 2. static because he is accustomed to living with wolf packs. 3. dynamic because he is afraid to chase after animals in the wild. 4. dynamic because he is trying to communicate with the other wild beast.

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