12.04.2021 • 

Read the following monologue from Portia in Act III, Scene 4. Then, select two details indicating that Portia has a low opinion of most men. A) "They shall, Nerissa; but in such a habit,

That they shall think we are accomplished

With that we lack. B) I'll hold thee any wager,

When we are both accoutred like young men,

I'll prove the prettier fellow of the two,

And wear my dagger with the braver grace,

And speak between the change of man and boy

With a reed voice, and turn two mincing steps

Into a manly stride, C) and speak of frays

Like a fine bragging youth, and tell quaint lies,

How honourable ladies sought my love,

Which I denying, they fell sick and died;

D) I could not do withal; then I'll repent,

And wish for all that, that I had not killed them;

And twenty of these puny lies I'll tell,

That men shall swear I have discontinued school

Above a twelvemonth. E) I have within my mind

thousand raw tricks of these bragging Jacks,

Which I will practise" (56).

They will, Nerissa, but we’ll be disguised as men. I’ll bet you anything that I’ll be handsomer than you when we’re both dressed up. I’ll wear my sword more gracefully, and speak like a teenage boy, and walk with a manly stride rather than my ladylike steps. I’ll talk about fights like a bragging young man, and I’ll tell cute lies about honorable ladies who fell in love with me and got sick and died when I rejected them. They just died, what could I do! Then I’ll start feeling sorry for them, wishing I hadn’t killed them. I’ll tell twenty lies like that, so men will think I graduated from school at least a year ago. I know a thousand immature male tricks like that, and I’ll use them all.

Detail A

Detail B

Detail C

Detail D

Detail E

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