17.12.2020 • 

Read the following scenario. Determine what type of irony is used and explain your answer. "It was the ninth inning and Bryant's team was down by two. There was a man on first and second and Bryant was up to bat. If he could get a good hit, he could tie the game and maybe even win it. He stared the pitcher in the eye with a cold steel gaze as the ball floated from his hand. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Bryant twirled awkwardly, swinging the bat and somehow hitting the ball with the bottom of the handle. From the sheer force of the blow, the ball bounced a few feet from Bryant and landed directly in the third baseman's mitt, causing a force out. The third baseman tossed it to second, who rounded it out to first, and Bryant was responsible for the triple play. As the players lined up to exchange handshakes at the end of the game, the pitcher stared coolly at Bryant. They shook hands and the pitcher said, 'Nice hit, Champ. Way to get a hold of it,' Bryant had never felt more embarrassed." *

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