28.06.2019 • 

Read the instructions below from “how to make an apron” and answer the question that follows. to make a plain apron, first measure and write down the measurements below. if you’re making an apron that will be tied, extend this length by at least 1 ½ times the measurement. decide how wide you’d like the waistband to be, adding 1 inch for the seam. decide how far down you want the apron to fall and measure that, adding at least 2 inches for seams and the hem. measure the width you’d like the apron to be from one side to the other, adding 1 inch for hems. cut your selected fabric in the dimensions you’ve written down. which step is missing from this procedure? measure your waist and add 2 inches. sew the apron by hand using a long running stitch. measure the fabric before you cut so that there are no wrinkles or flaws that may need to be cut away. invite a few guests over and wear the apron proudly as you cook a gourmet meal for them.

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