02.11.2020 • 

Read the opening paragraphs from "Beautiful Bellandia.” Alex woke up in a dark room. He reached for his weapon. It was a habit he had formed from years of fighting. His people were always in one battle or another. They fought over money, they fought over land, and they fought over goods. Currently, they were fighting over fishing rights.

Alex realized that his weapon was not strapped to his body. Then a cold chill ran through him. "Where am I?” he thought. The last thing he remembered was the storm that had tossed his small ship like it was only a toy. The waves had grown bigger as the wind howled and the rain pelted him and his crew. Then, a wave had approached that looked like it would swallow them whole. Maybe it had.

To help readers better understand the exposition, what is the best question to ask at this point in the story?

What is Alex’s favorite weapon?
Where has Alex landed?
What is the weather like?
Who is a part of Alex’s crew?

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