11.03.2021 • 

Read the paragraph. [1] The architecture of the room looked beautiful and grand. [2] Amanda feit a thrill of excitement.[3] The intermission was almost over,
and she felt eager for the music to resume, [4] The lights began to dim. [5] Finally, the only sound was a cough or a rustle of paper from somewhere
In the middle of the hall. [6] Silence was heard by Amanda. [7] Now the conductor walked on stage [8] The room burst into applause. [9] The
energetic sound of clapping rolled across the audience like a wave of happiness.
Which revision to the paragraph corrects an error in verb use?
01. The lights went dim. (Sentence 4)
O 2. Amanda heard silence. (Sentence 6)
3. Now he walked on stage. (Sentence 7)
4. Applause filled the room. (Sentence 8)

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