24.06.2019 • 

Read the passage from "by the waters of babylon.” how shall i tell what i saw? the towers are not all broken—here and there one still stands, like a great tree in a forest, and the birds nest high. but the towers themselves look blind, for the gods are gone. i saw a fishhawk, catching fish in the river. i saw a little dance of white butterflies over a great heap of broken stones and columns. i went there and looked about me—there was a carved stone with cut—letters, broken in half. i can read letters but i could not understand these. they said ubtreas. there was also the shattered image of a man or a god. it had been made of white stone and he wore his hair tied back like a woman's. his name was ashing, as i read on the cracked half of a stone. i thought it wise to pray to ashing, though i do not know that god. which details in the passage describe an atmosphere of desolation?two options. “how shall i tell what i saw? " "but the towers themselves look blind" "a fishhawk, catching fish in the river" "a little dance of white butterflies" "shattered image of a man or a god"

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