30.04.2021 • 

Read the passage from "One of These Days" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez:

"Monday dawned warm and rainless. Aurelio Escovar, a dentist without
a degree, and a very early riser, opened his office at six. He took some
false teeth, still mounted in their plaster mold, out of the glass case and
put on the table a fistful of instruments which he arranged in size order,
as if they were on display. He wore a collarless striped shirt, closed at
the neck with a golden stud, and pants held up by suspenders. He was
erect and skinny, with a look that rarely corresponded to the situation,
the way deaf people have of looking."
All of the following excerpts are used as appositive phrases except...

Select one:

- "still mounted in their plastic mold"

- "With a look that rarely corresponded to the situation"

- "He wore a collarless striped shirt
- a dentist without a degree

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