19.02.2020 • 

Read the passage.

Immediately upon arrival at the airport, I was informed by a ticket agent that my flight had already departed. While I was being given options for my next flight, my frustration increased because texts were constantly being sent by the agent on her cell phone.

Which option most effectively revises the passage to correctly use active voice?

A) Immediately upon my arrival at the airport, a ticket agent informed me that my flight had already departed. While she gave me options for my next flight, my frustration increased because the agent was constantly sending texts on her cell phone.

B) Immediately upon my arrival at the airport, I was informed by a ticket agent that my flight had already departed. While options for my next flight were given, my frustration increased because of the agent who was constantly sending texts on her cell phone.

C) Immediately upon my arrival at the airport, a ticket agent informed me that my flight had already departed. My frustration was increased because texts were constantly being sent by the agent on a cell phone with the options for my next flight.

D) Immediately upon my arrival at the airport, I was informed by a ticket agent that my flight had already departed. While I was being given options for my next flight, my frustration increased because of the constant sending of texts on a cell phone by the agent.

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