15.11.2020 • 

Read the passage. Which statement describes the claim? The cost of health care is rising in America. The amount that an average family must pay for insurance has increased by 3 percent in just two years. For families buying insurance on an exchange or privately, the increase is an astounding 25 percent. At this rate, health care, which includes visits to a typical family doctor, specialists for anything from a knee injury to cancer, and the emergency room, will be unaffordable for most Americans in 10 years or sooner. I know this because my family is an average American family and we are worried. O The writer's family is an average American family struggling to pay for health care.

O Health care will continue to rise by 3 to 25 percent each year for the next 10 years.

O Health insurance is becoming too expensive for most American families to afford.

O The average American family is paying more for health insurance than they did two years ago.

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