26.01.2021 • 

Read the story. himself as he wanten om te last two children to exig was WOTIO coming to, anyway
Reluctantly, the two latecomers turned away from the crowded window to begin their long walk home, when they spied the small
cardboard box near the corner. Two large pairs of questioning brown eyes met, and without speaking a word they nodded in agreement. They
hesitantly approached the box. It had a sign on the front side, scribbled in crayon, that read, "Purebred lab puppies-5 cents."
Picking up one squirming, fat bundle of fur, the little girl smiled up at her brother, begging him with her eyes. He frowned and shook his
head as he reached into his overalls, pulling out four new copper pennies. "Dad won't let us keep her, anyway," he muttered sadly, "she's not a
German short hair!"
"Oh, but she's a beauty and Labs are good bird dogs too," she retorted quickly, "and she could really be oursi"
Again she looked pleadingly at her brother. Gently, he took the littleſpuppy from her arms and held it up for examination. His eyes
scrutinized the wriggling creature, "There's no way, Sally. This puppy is no purebred Lab. Look for yourself. She's got two round copper spots
above her eyes and there's no webbing between her toes. She'll never make a bird dog!"
He placed the puppy softly back in the box. Sally fished a hanky from her jeans pocket and extracted one bright copper penny-all she had
left from last Sunday's visit to Grandma. "This makes 5 cents, Billy. Now we've got enough." Sally begged, as she put her penny in her brother's
hand. She waited, staring up at Billy's face. Her heart beat strangely under her striped T-shirt, as time stopped dead in its tracks. Slowly, Billy stuck
out his hand. The coins were snatched instantly and the puppy was thrust into Sally's outstretched arms.
Huge smiles split their faces then quickly vanished as the two children hesitantly headed home, cuddling their puppy. They both knew,
Which image does the author use to show how Billy and Sally communicate?

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