27.01.2021 • 

Read these sections from Mandatory Volunteer Work for Teenagers, and compare and contrast the essays. Then answer the follow-up questions. from “Point: Give Teens Some Work to Do! It’s Good for Them and Everyone Else”:

What happens to teenagers who volunteer as they grow into adults? They continue to volunteer, of course! According to the United Way, volunteering as a youth will increase the chances that a person will volunteer as an adult, which makes sense given the many benefits of volunteering. Unfortunately, however, adults who were never encouraged to volunteer as youths may never start because they are oblivious of the benefits. A simple solution to this would be to make volunteer work a mandatory part of the school curriculum so that everyone will be provided the opportunity to be exposed to the helpful benefits of volunteering.

from “Counterpoint: Mandatory Volunteer Work Does More Harm Than Good”:

Another problem with making volunteer work a mandatory part of the curriculum is that it defeats the purpose of volunteering in the first place. People volunteer because they have extra time and energy to give, and they genuinely want to help so students that are forced to volunteer may resent the demand on their time, and therefore perform the work grudgingly. This will not help to make students feel useful or helpful, which would be counterproductive. Furthermore, students will not be able to experience the positive social benefits of volunteering because they see it as a requirement rather than a positive experience. Because of forced volunteer work, students may hesitate to explore volunteering as an adult. This is a huge drawback because there are genuine benefits to volunteering when someone actually has the time and means to do so.

Part A
On which of the following matters do the essays disagree?
A. Whether or not adult volunteers know the benefits of volunteering
B. Whether or not students have time to volunteer
C. Whether or not teen volunteers will still volunteer as adults
D. Whether or not there are any real benefits to volunteer work
Part B
Which sentence or phrase from one of the passages supports your answer?
A. “According to the United Way, volunteering as a youth will increase the chances that a person will volunteer as an adult.”
B. “Another problem with making volunteer work a mandatory part of curriculum is that it defeats the purpose of volunteering in the first place.”
C. “A simple solution to this would be to make volunteer work a mandatory part of school curriculum so that everyone will be provided the opportunity to be exposed to the helpful benefits of volunteering.”
D. “Furthermore, students will not be able to experience the positive social benefits of volunteering because they see it as a requirement rather than a positive experience.”

This is due today please help.

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