19.03.2020 • 

Read this excerpt of Smirnov speaking from "The Bear."

And then people want me to keep calm! I meet a man on the road, and he asks me "Why are you always so angry, Grigory Stepanovitch?" But how on earth am I not to get angry? I want the money desperately. I rode out yesterday, early in the morning, and called on all my debtors, and not a single one of them paid up!

What elements of character are revealed in this quote? Select all that apply.

Smirnov is generous.

Smirnov may be taken advantage of by his debtors.

Smirnov creates a plan to get back at the debtors who don’t pay.

Smirnov is getting frustrated his debtors do not pay him back.

Smirnov is going to stop loaning people money.

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