24.06.2020 • 

Read this passage from Dragonwings by Laurence Yep. I had been in the demon land for only ten months, so it would have been about January of the demons' year 1904, when we met Mr. Alger. I remember it was a gray, wintry day. We were making the rounds when we saw one of the horseless carriages stranded by the sidewalk and a demon in a big overcoat standing beside it. His driving cap was pushed back, and he was scratching his forehead in a puzzled way. The metal hood on the front of the horseless had been folded back on top so you could see into its innards. How does the description of the day as gray and wintry emphasize the narrator’s feelings about life in the new country The day is cold and uninviting, like the people and their cities. The color of the day is the same as that of the car’s machinery. The winter day gives promise of a new beginning in the future. The cloudy day reflects the narrator’s negative thoughts.

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