07.09.2021 • 

Recently I took a wonderful, liberating trip to the Mediterranean that made me feel more alive than I have felt in ages. During this trip I visited twenty cities, starting in Chania, Crete, and ending in Antalya, Turkey. My favorite, by far, was the ancient mountaintop city of Termessos. Termessos is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. It was abandoned over 1500 years ago and is now covered in ivy and moss as if nature seeks to reclaim it. The people who left it are long gone, but their legacy lives on in the relics and buildings they left behind. The tone of the paragraph comes both from the facts the author presents and the descriptive language he uses. Which of the following sentences contributes to the tone only through the facts it presents, and not also through descriptive language?

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