19.12.2019 • 

Rections: determine the author's purpose for each example: inform, persuade, or entertain.
ectrodactyly, also known as "lobster claw syndrome," involves the absence of one or
more central digits of the hand or foot, or in the case of a dog, the paw. the absence of
the central digits gives the hand, foot, or paws a claw-like appearance. this condition is
often caused by a chromosomal defect, making the condition hereditary, ectrodactyly is
not limited to humans only, but can also occur in frogs, mice, cows, rabbits, chickens, cats,
and dogs. just as in humans, it is an especially rare occurrence, especially in dogs. the
dog pictured to the left was born with this condition although neither parent had the
condition nor did any of his siblings
although this condition can limit the use of the affected appendage, like people with this
condition, this dog has lived a normal life and hasn't let his condition get in his way.
author's purpose:
what is the author purpose

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