12.04.2021 • 

Review the excerpt from the interview. 24/7: Are there some places that are too dangerous to take your family?

DR. DOWELL: Yes. A good friend died when we treated Ebola in Uganda. Another friend died when we fought SARS in Thailand. I spent time in Zaire treating Ebola. It was so dangerous that we wore a protective spacesuit.

—When Birds Get Flu and Cows Go Mad! How Safe Are We?,
John DiConsiglio

In what way does the video give more information about SARS?
The video shows Dr. Dowell in his protective spacesuit fighting SARS.
The video discusses how the CDC was involved in tracing SARS.
The video focuses on people who were infected with SARS.
The video mentions the symptoms of SARS as a warning.

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