29.07.2019 • 

Role play the situation that you are an advice column writer and have just received this letter from a reader. respond to your reader in a letter that addresses the situation. give the person at least 5 ideas to them and then reasons (support) for your ideas. dear advice giver, i am a seventy year old woman. i feel that life has passed me by and that there is nothing left for me. my husband of 48 years died last year and my three children are all grown and live away. i have friends but many of them have spouses and i do not want to be a third wheel. i have never worked outside of my house since my family was my occupation. my health is declining and from long hours of watching television, my eyes are tired and i am rather stiff most days. i would like to take piano lessons but i feel that i am too old. there is not much that i feel that i can do and i am so lonely. can you offer me any advice? sincerely, desperate

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