24.08.2021 • 

Section 1: Directed Writing (Statement Writing) You are advised to write between 200 and 300 words. Total marks for this section: 30.

• You will be awarded up to 15 marks for following the task instructions.
• You will be awarded up to 15 marks for the language you use.

Task 1
During a strike in your city you were crossing the main road in your area on foot to reach your friend’s house. Suddenly, some picketers started damaging a microbus and created panic. Immediately, the police came to the spot in a police van. The police caught you and a few people from the area and charged you for the damages and creating a terrifying situation. All of you were taken to the local police station. You tried your best to convince the police officer that you were not to blame. The Officer-in-Charge (OC) then asked you to write a statement regarding the incident.

Write your statement. You must include the following:

• Write exactly when, where, and how the incident of damaging the microbus occurred
• Describe the incident and the people who started damaging the microbus and creating panic
• Explain why you went there, why you were charged, and why you were not to blame for the incident

Cover all three points above in detail. You should follow an appropriate format and write your statement accurately, making it clear that you were not to blame. Make sure that your statement is true and written in clear and correct English.

Format (Planning and Organisation) of a Statement:
(1) To: The name/title and address (with other details) of the person to whom the statement is written [1 Line Blank] (2) From: The name/title and address (with other details) of the person by whom the statement is written [1 Line Blank] (3) Date (DMY): 11 July 2021 [1 Line Blank] (4) Subject: A statement regarding/about the incident/occurrence that took place
[1 Line Blank] (5) Salutation: Sir/Madam/Dear Sir/Dear Madam, (1 Line Blank) (6) Paragraph 1 — The Introduction: To write a brief introductory message regarding the statement stating the background of the incident or occurrence [Sentences: 2—3 sentences; Words: 30—50] [1 Line Blank] (7) Paragraph 2 — The Main Body Paragraph 1: To explain the content of the first bullet point in detail [Sentences: 5—7; Words: 50—70] [1 Line Blank] (8) Paragraph 3 ¬— The Main Body Paragraph 2: To explain the content of the second bullet point in detail [Sentences: 5—7; Words: 50—70] [1 Line Blank] (9) Paragraph 4 — The Main Body Paragraph 3: To explain the content of the third bullet point in detail [Sentences: 5—7; Words: 50—70] [1 Line Blank] (10) Paragraph 5 — The Conclusion: To write a brief concluding message on the basis of the facts of the Main Body of the Statement with the writer’s opinion in brief [Sentences: 2—3; Words:20—40] [1 Line Blank] (11) Closing: Yours truly/Yours faithfully, [1 Line Blank] (12) Signature: Full name of the person by whom the statement is written

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