05.03.2021 • 

Section A: Grammar Cloze There are 10 blanks in the passage below. From the list of words given, choose the most suitable word for each blank. EACH WORD CAN BE USED ONLY ONCE.

at for who with during

of and even upon against

to but from about although

You could be risking your health when you re-use water bottles. A health department warned (1)

drinking water from re-used water bottles after a study of kids re-using water bottles (2) a Canadian secondary school was published. (3) a third of the samples collected were found to be contaminated (4) bacteria. The bacteria had probably come

(5) the kids’ hands and mouths as they repeatedly used the same bottles without washing them.

Washing the bottles is not the solution (6) another study suggests that the kinds of washing needed to kill the bacteria might accelerate the breakdown (7) the plastic, thereby causing a toxic chemical, DEHA. (8) get into the liquid in the bottles. Nevertheless, food safety and plastics experts think that many bottles are safe as they are made with a stable substance called PET, (9) do not contain DEHA. They also say that (10) PET bottles are designed for single use, they can be re-used without any health risk. This is provided that they are cleaned and handled hygienically.

Section B: Editing for spelling and Grammar

Correct each word in bold for spelling and each underlined word for grammar.

The witches and wizards regarded Harry Potter as a hero for a simple reason. He had (11) suprizingly survived an attack by the powerful wizard, Voldemort. How did that (12) happens? No one knew. Harry Potter was not big and tall like the (13) uzure heroes we know. He was just ten years old and was small and skinny (14) by his age. He had knobbly knees and wore round glasses (15) holding together by sellotape. His only (16) distinguish feature was a thin scare shaped like a bolt of lightning. His (17) epperence, therefore, would not remind anyone (18) for a hero. His life, too, was far from that at the beginning. Unlike heroes who (19) keraygersly stand up for the weak, he led a ‘Cinderella’ type of life with a nasty uncle, unloving aunt and a mean, (20) veeshious a selfish cousin. For ten years, they forced him to live in a cupboard and treated him like a slave.​

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