12.02.2022 • 

Select the correct answer. Which details should the writer add before sentence 6 to best help readers imagine how the author physically feels when she opens the attic
O A. When I tiptoed into the room, I imagined all the interesting things I would find when I uncovered what was in the old boxes
that filled every corner and wall of the attic room-there was so much to look through and so little time!
OB. As I stepped into the room, a cold breeze brought me chills and a cloud of dust burst into the air as I coughed and gasped
for fresh air; I was convinced no one had been in this room for ages and I was the first explorer.
OC. When I peered into the dark room, I noticed that there were shelves upon shelves full of old boxes sealed with tape that has
not been tampered with; it was evident that no one had opened any of the boxes for a very long time.
OD. As I walked into the room, I realized most people would be scared of going up to the attic alone, but I proved to myself how
brave I was to venture up here all by myself-I felt a sense of accomplishment I never felt before!

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