02.03.2021 • 

Select the correct text in the passage. Which phrase in the passage helps identify the meaning of the word hysterically?
Anna loved her dog Charlie. Charlie was a chocolate brown Labrador retriever. As a child, Anna had always wanted a puppy. Anna’s parents gave her Charlie for her fifth birthday. They had practically grown up together.

Lately Charlie had been acting strangely. He was not as energetic as before. He spent a lot of time sleeping and lazing around. When Anna encouraged him to play his favorite game of catch, he hardly responded. When Anna told her parents about this, they immediately rushed Charlie to the vet. The vet examined Charlie and found out that his heart was growing weaker. The vet informed the family that sadly Charlie may not get better.

Anna could not bear to hear this news. Her behavior changed. She hysterically dashed into the vet’s examination room and ran to the examination table that Charlie lay on. She hugged him and cried loudly and uncontrollably. Anna could not believe that her best friend of so many years was in such a sorry state. She asked her parents if they could take Charlie home because he would be most comfortable there. Anna’s parents agreed, and they drove back home with Charlie dozing in Anna’s lap.

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which phrase in the passage helps identify the meaning of the word hysterically?
Anna loved her dog Charlie. Charlie was a chocolate brown Labrador retriever. As a child, Anna had always wanted a puppy. Anna’s parents gave her Charlie for her fifth birthday. They had practically grown up together.

Lately Charlie had been acting strangely. He was not as energetic as before. He spent a lot of time sleeping and lazing around. When Anna encouraged him to play his favorite game of catch, he hardly responded. When Anna told her parents about this, they immediately rushed Charlie to the vet. The vet examined Charlie and found out that his heart was growing weaker. The vet informed the family that sadly Charlie may not get better.

not as energetic

sleeping and lazing around

cried loudly and uncontrollably

most comfortable

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