09.12.2020 • 

Select the detail from the text that best supports the inference that the author is disengaged with the surface-reading or obvious thematic analysis of Hamlet's themes
"I had neglected to contemplate the active properties of sharing, of what it means to
be bound to others through the common experience of a textualldramatic artifact. I
had accepted the text as a given to me, rather than thinking through aspects of
Hamlet that might not cohere with the play's overarching focus on the young prince's
struggle" (par. 2)
"The tragedy of this play, then, lies in the ways that we are sometimes asked to
assume roles that will destroy us as moral beings" (par 8).
we have been witness to the escalation of violence that leads to this horrific
tableau should caution us to attend more carefully to moments when what seemed
like simple, even straightforward, reprisal might become more complicated,
compromised, or even corrupted" (par 9)
"If we think something like the events Hamlet dramatizes could never happen to us
(wherein the ghost of one's murdered father demands vengeance) - well, okay, we
are probably correct about that in the particular." (part 10).

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