12.03.2021 • 

Select three quotes below from Passage 1 that help the author develop the idea that teens often engage in various types of media when doing other activities at the same time. “One concern: the number of youngsters who feel comfortable multi-tasking while doing homework.” (paragraph 2)

“Television is a favorite activity of preteens, with 62 percent of respondents aged 8 to 12 saying they watched every day, the study said.” (paragraph 4)

“Exactly half of the time teenagers spend with video involves watching a TV program at the time it originally airs.” (paragraph 5)

“The survey found male teenagers spent an average of 56 minutes a day gaming, while girls devoted only seven minutes.” (paragraph 6)

“Half of the teenagers said they watch TV or use social media either ‘a lot’ or ‘sometimes’ while doing homework…” (paragraph 7)

“Half of the teens say that listening to music actually helps their work, while only 6 percent said they thought it hurt.” (paragraph 7)

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