05.06.2020 • 

Shakespeare's characters may have lived a long time ago, in a country that is very different from your own, but they are still very human, with hopes, dreams, fears, and flaws. In this assignment, your task is to draw a thematic connection between this ancient tale of conspiracy and murder and your own real and modern world. For your presentation, you will Create a five slide PowerPoint presentation on one theme from Julius Caesar.

First slide should have an assignment title and your name.

Select one theme from Julius Caesar. In your second slide, explain how it is developed in the play.

Use evidence from the text of the play (quotations from characters; examples of conflicts and resolutions; character choices, actions, and motivations, etc.) to support your ideas. Two slides: each one will provide evidence from the play.

The last slide of the presentation should clearly explain how the theme you chose relates to real life.

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