24.05.2021 • 

Should college athletes be paid to play? Should certain books be banned from schools and libraries?
Step One: Writing Your Claim
Complete the following sentence: I plan to prove that...
Cross out "I plan to prove that." What remains is your clearly stated position.
Complete the following sentence: This matters because...
Cross out "This matters because." What remains is your purpose for writing.
Combine these two thoughts into one coherent sentence; this is your claim.
Your finalized claim:

Step Two: Identifying the Counterclaim
Complete the following sentence: My claim states that...
Cross out "My claim states that." What remains is your clearly stated position.
Complete the following sentence: Some may disagree with me because...
Cross out "Some may disagree with me because." What remains is the opposition's point of view.
Combine these two thoughts into one coherent sentence; this is the counterclaim.
Your finalized counterclaim:

Step Three: Planning Your Introduction
In this section of the organizer, you will plan your own introduction in response to the topic you have selected. Using the claim and counterclaim you have developed in steps 1 and 2, plan your introduction below.




Bridge with transition:


Step Four: Writing Your Introduction
Copy and paste your sentences from the plan in step three into paragraph format here. Read your completed paragraph to yourself and add transitions to make your introductory paragraph flow from one idea to the next.

Refer to the introduction from the lesson if you need a sample opening paragraph.
(HOOK )Flat tires, fender benders, car crashes. (BRIDGE ) These terrible occurrences happen every single day in our country, and many of them involve teenage drivers. Something must be done to protect our children and our other drivers on the road. (COUNTERCLAIM) Studies do show that many teens are more responsible than some adults in a number of ways. In addition to this, many parents rely on their teens being able to transport themselves from place to place. (BRIDGE) However, we cannot put so many young people at risk. (CLAIM) Because teenagers cannot be trusted to be responsible, the driving age should be moved to 21.

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