11.03.2021 • 

so it was my lunch time and i ate some Melba toast and a few pieces of chicken. when i got back to my room i shut the door and sat down at my desk. bakugo was layng on my bed and he asked me how my lunch was. i just shrugged. he told me he probably was a better snack than whatever i ate. after that my head fell right onto my desk. i couldent anymore with him i just couldnt. he stood up and walked to behind my chair. he lifted my head back (so i was looking at the roof) and he looked down right into my eyes. his eyes... yes yes- uhm looking into his eyes made me want to squeal. i covered my mouth so i wouldnt but the squeal still managed to come out. i whispered 'oh my god he is so hot" but bakugo heard and then he said "I know i'm hot" and thats when i realized he heard me. he laughed and he told me to go onto th bed and kneel like a good kitten. and so thats what i did. i couldnt stop myself from doing it! I went onto the bed and kneeled just as bakugo told me to."now look at me" he said. I looked at him and he took his shirt off. I opened my eyes wide. "like what you see, kitten?" He had said. I nodded yes. i couldnt help it! Bakugo like, possesed me! "well then," he started. "I think you might enjoy what you see tonight"After everything bakugo did to me i was in p a i n so i called the one person who can help with what bakugo did that person is named mineta this morrning i told him everything bakugo did and he sure knows how to help with that Mineta has to leave soon so i am scared because bakugo was threat me last night and he put me on a leash and he tied my hands together.

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