29.09.2021 • 

SOMEONE PLEASE HELP THIS IS DUE TOMORROW I WILL GIVE 100 POINTS PLEASE NO JOKING 1. Compare and contrast the theme of Ovid's "The Story of Daedalus and Icarus" with the theme of Brueghel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus. What new ideas does Brueghel bring to Ovid's story?
2. What is emphasized in W. H. Auden's "Musée des Beaux Arts" but not in Brueghel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus? From the differences in emphasis, what conclusions can you draw about the similarities or differences between the two works' themes?
3. What is emphasized in William Carlos Williams's "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" but not in Pieter Brueghel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus? What conclusions can you draw about the similarities and differences between the themes of the two works?
4. Compare and contrast W. H. Auden's "Musée des Beaux Arts" and William Carlos Williams's "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus." What similarities and differences do you see in the way the poets present ideas to the reader?

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